Saturday, August 10, 2002

Glick: The road to irredentism

An irredentist is "One who advocates the recovery of territory culturally or historically related to one's nation but now subject to a foreign government" (American Heritage Dictionary). I would quibble with Ms. Glick's choice of term here, but the content of (her JPost column about Israeli Arabs in universitities more and more dissociating from Israel is cogent and comprehensive.

Woman in Jordan Valley moshav killed by Arabs

Jpost reports that a terrorist broke through the security fence to kill residents. He was killed after taking the life of the woman and wounding her husband.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Christian Support for Israel Rally

The Christian Coalition is sponsoring a Christian Support for Israel Rally October 11, 2-4 PM on the Ellipse, near the White House. Read the list of demands; would that Israeli politicians were as clear!

And check out that organization's position statement on opposition to a "Palestinian" state, which they have maintained in the face of many "Christians" denouncing and abandoning them for it.

Gelernter :No Trophies for Terrorists

I love David Gelernter. He is a Yale computer scientist, an overcoming victim of the Unabomber, and a delightful writer. In No Trophies for Terrorists, he says, inter alia:

"When anyone is murdered there are consequences--the "cycle of violence" is called "justice," except where Israelis are involved."

Genocide continues

Carolyn Glick points out who and how.


Ha'aretz writes of the "Hamas militants" and "Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade militia."

"Militants"? "Militia"? Hamas has claimed--not merely "accepted"--responsibility for most of the last several terror attacks. Do they not rate the epithet, "terrorists"?

The Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade--how does Ha'aretz think their "martyrdom" comes about? Is it not by attacks on non-combatants for the purpose of influencing their government? Is there any other definition of "terror"?

This is a piece worthy of the Arab News, or the BBC. Fooey.

Arab justice

JPost reports the execution by Arafat's "justice system" of a mentally ill Arab who raped his grandmother and killed two other elderly women. Personally, I am in favor of the death penalty in general. And I have no faith whatsoever in "Palestinian" justice.

But can you picture the international outcry if this very same item had been reported about Israel? Yet I will be very surprised if it even sees the light of day in the news services--let alone if it is protested by the pious protectors of human rights in Europe and elsewhere who daily take Israel to task for imagined offences.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Some suggestions for PM Sharon

"Hamas takes responsibility" - yet Israel continues to treat Hamas' institutions as if they are not part of that responsibility-embracing body. Isn't it time to shut them down and arrest them?

My son just said, "Why not turn off their power? They haven't paid their electric bill in years. Let them try to assemble bombs by candlelight." Now, there's a humane idea!

A day of blood and murder

Please read this, especially the brief bios of some of the victims, to help you remember that these are real people, not statistics.


Another indictment of our Jew-hating State department; this one by Sherri Mandell, mother of Koby, murdered last year by our "peace partners."

Jew-hating Berkeley unrepentant

Please read this, then sign the petition- or write or phone ((510) 643-2494) UC Berkeley. CA residents, is this a good use of your taxes?

The Politics and Poetics of Palestinian Resistance
Course Number: English R1A LEC 4 Units
Semester and Year: fall 2002
Location and Time: 204 Wheeler TuTh 2:00-3:30
Instructor: Shingavi, Snehal

Course Description: This is a course on Palestinian resistance poetry. It takes as its point of departure the Palestinian literature that has developed since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, which has displaced, maimed, and killed many Palestinian people. The Israeli military occupation of historic Palestine has caused unspeakable suffering. Since the occupation, Palestinians have been fighting for their right to exist...

(You have to read the fine print...)

A picture named arafat.gif

An urbane condemnation of Peres

Film producer Arthur Cohn writes from Switzerland to Peres about his Der Spiegel interview. Why is this man foreign minister?

Sunday, August 04, 2002

Hamas Supporters Celebrate Bus Attack

( 10,000 Hamas supporters danced in Gaza on Sunday, exhibiting their pleasure after learning of the suicide bombing attack against a bus at Meiron Junction. Nine persons were murdered in the attack and 53 injured.

Three more Jews murdered by Arabs

Parents driving in a car were killed, and their children injured.

Update: The couple's names, Avital and Avi Volansky, have been released. Avital was 27 and Avi was 29. Their children are two years old and nine months old.

Further update: That's three dead; Avital was pregnant.

Honey money for Israel

Economic Honey Campaign is a great idea. Buy some Rosh haShanah honey - or honey for any other time - from Israel! to buy restaurant vouchers for soldiers

JPost reports this wonderful deed here. To participate, go to

2 killed, 14 hurt in Jerusalem shooting attack

This Ha'aretz article tells of an Arab who attacked a group of Border Police officers and a Bezeq Telecom vehicle with a pistol. Police shot and killed the gunman. This was three hours after the Meron bus explosion.

IDF: Demolishing terrorists' families' homes works as deterrent

In this piece, the IDF reports on interviews with two who had contemplated suicide bombings, then decided against them when they realized it could result in the destruction of their families' homes.

Bus explodes near Meron; 9 killed, many injured

israelinsider: Crowded bus bombed in northern Israel; at least 9 people killed.